Kotlin Basics - Conditionals

Conditionals will let you execute different block of code based on coditions that you define in your program. Like any other language conditions are very important concept in Kotlin as it allows your code to be dynamic, by providing it with abalibility to handle descisions. There are two ways to implement conditions in a Kotlin program.

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Kotlin Basics - Functions

Functions are block of code that can be called from other parts in your program. Functions makes code reusable and more readble. In the last two post we have already seen a few functions in action. One of them is the main() function which is automatically started when Kotlin program is started. We also have encountered other utility functions like println() that is used to print string to console, readln() which is used to read input from user and arrayOf() which is used to create an array. In this post we will creat our own functions and understand the different components of functions in Kotlin. Kotlin also has higher order functions and lambda expressions, but we will be looking at the in another post.

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Kotlin Basics - Basic Data Types

In this post, we will explore how to take input from the user in the console. We will also explore the basic data types in Kotlin including numbers, strings, booleans and arrays. We will also look at common operations on these data types and how to perform them. This will also include some unique nuances of Kotlin language while dealing with these data types.

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Kotlin Basics - Variables

Kotlin is a programming language developed by JetBrains, and it is now the default language for Android app development. Kotlin’s syntax is similar to Java, but it is more concise and includes additional features such as type inference, null safety, and class extension. The easiest and fastest way to get started with Kotlin is by installing the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. After installing the IDE, you can start a new Kotlin project and run code directly in the editor or the REPL. You can also try Kotlin online in the playground on the Kotlin official website. You cannot write and compile Kotlin projects in the playground but it allows a quik way to test out and play with Kotlin code.

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Shaking Off the Rust - Rediscovering Android Programming with Kotlin

It has been quite a long time since I last wrote some code. Recently, with some free time on my hands, I started exploring online resources to get back into coding. Having primarily worked as an Android developer, I naturally wanted to shake off the rust and dive back into creating Android apps after more than six years. Unsurprisingly, I found that the Android development ecosystem and the broader mobile development landscape have undergone significant changes during this time. Through this blog, I aim to document my reskilling journey. I hope it serves as a useful resource for others who might be interested in getting into Android development.

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